Sex Educator
Scotty began his career as a Sexuality Educator at the University of California at Davis in 1991, shortly after attending the Folsom Street Fair for the first time. He worked for Planned Parenthood for nearly a decade as a Reproductive Health Specialist and Sex Educator in Northern California with a focus on HIV and STI prevention. As a trainer, Scotty has developed curricula and provided training for health care providers and educators to help better address their clients’ needs focusing on sexuality and HIV / STI treatment and prevention. As a BDSM Alternative Lifestyle Presenter, Scotty has presented workshops at events such as Shibaricon, Winter Wickedness, Twisted Tryst, and Kink 1001 at the University of Minnesota, as well as many local and regional events. Based now in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Scotty is a Leatherman, craftsperson and outspoken activist, continuing to do outreach work wherever and whenever possible. Always an innovator, Scott’s workshops are dynamic, interactive and entertaining. With a focus on nuts and bolts skills, communication and self-discovery, Scotty’s approach is geared toward both new and experienced community members and offers something for everyone.
Sensation Play, Safer Sex, G Spot, Squirting, Rough Body Play, Rope Bondage, Impact Play
Peer Councilors in Sexuality, University of California at Davis
Reproductive Health Specialist, Planned Parenthood Sacramento Valley and Shasta Diablo
Sexuality Educator, Planned Parenthood Sacramento Valley and Shasta Diablo
Education Programs Manager Solano County, Planned Parenthood Shasta Diablo
Outreach Team Leader - Stop AIDS Project, San Francisco California
Certified Alternative Lifestyle Presenter