Kirsten has been collecting chronic illnesses since the ripe age of five. In 1993, they were diagnosed with Asthma and had her first flare-up of Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. Since that time, they have added on fun diagnoses including Fibromyalgia, Depression, Anxiety, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The total is approaching 20 and somehow growing.
An avid volunteer, they have been interested in sexuality and sexual education since high school (which is longer ago than they’d care to admit). After attending a presentation by Lucky Tomaszek of Tool Shed Toys, Kirsten realized how little was known or talked about with regards to sexuality and illness or disability. They also knew from her own journey with relationships and illness, though, that illness and disability also affect these things by affecting our relationships with ourselves and others.
In 2015, Chronic Sex was born as a space to talk about the ways chronic illnesses and disabilities affect our quality of life – including sex. What started as a Twitter chat has grown into a site, podcast, and even research.
Sex and disability/chronic illnesses