Humor in the Dungeon: More Ideas for Play Basic Skill Jaki Griot Thanks for Your Support Become a member or log in to watch this video. [wpv-post-featured-image size="custom" width="640px" height="352px" crop="true" class="poster-image"] Preview [wpv-post-excerpt] Now that she’s laid the groundwork, Jaki talks about more ways you can leverage the power of humor in planning and engaging in kinky play – even edgy types like fear play! This video is closed-captioned for the hearing impaired. Humor in the Dungeon Humor in the Dungeon: Introduction Humor in the Dungeon: What if You’re Not Funny? Humor in the Dungeon: How Can Humor Appear in a Scene? Humor in the Dungeon: More Ideas for Play Humor in the Dungeon: Staying in Scene Humor as Aftercare: Grounding & Creating Space