The L7 Cuff with Nylon Rope Intermediate Skill Leather Yenta Thanks for Your Support Become a member or log in to watch this video. [wpv-post-featured-image size="custom" width="640px" height="352px" crop="true" class="poster-image"] Preview [wpv-post-excerpt] Since it doesn’t have the same “bite” as organic rope, nylon rope requires a few adjustments when tying. In this clip, the Leather Yenta teaches a single-limb cuff that works very well with nylon, mnemonically named the “L7 cuff.” CBT with Paracord Cock Ring with Paracord Cockring and Ball Stretcher with Paracord The Ball Stretcher with Paracord Cock Ring and Ball Separator with Paracord Ball Parachute with Paracord The Cock Helicopter The L7 Cuff with Nylon Rope