GrayDancer begins his series on blowjobs during this six-minute video. He first introduces the various topics that he’ll discuss and demonstrate during this video series; he also talks about such things as hygiene, grooming, and more. Gray and Naiia then negotiate their oral sex scene. Stay tuned for much more on the art of receiving blowjobs gracefully.
Receiving Blowjobs Gracefully
- Receiving Blowjobs Gracefully: Communicating
- Receiving Blowjobs Gracefully: Positions
- Receiving Blowjobs Gracefully: The Mouth
- Receiving Blowjobs Gracefully: The Throat
- Receiving Blowjobs Gracefully: Cum
- Receiving Blowjobs Gracefully: Getting Into It – Part 1
- Receiving Blowjobs Gracefully: Getting Into It – Part 2
- Receiving a Blowjob Gracefully: From the Other Side
- Receiving Blowjobs Gracefully: Prep & Negotiation