Urethral Sounds: Introduction Advanced Skill Wintersong Tashlin Thanks for Your Support Become a member or log in to watch this video. [wpv-post-featured-image size="custom" width="640px" height="352px" crop="true" class="poster-image"] Preview [wpv-post-excerpt] Wintersong introduces urethral sounding during this five-minute video. He explains it, shows a stainless steel sounding set, and discusses the multitude of reasons why you may enjoy sounding. Winter also outlines the rest of his upcoming series. Urethral Sounds Urethral Sounds: Introduction Urethral Sounds: Setup & Preparation Using Hagar Urethral Sounds Fun Things to Do with Urethral Sounds Urethral Sounds: Vibrators and Rosebuds Urethral Sounds: Erection Considerations & Cleanup